Danielle Holyoake Explains How Businesses Should Approach Insurance

Insurance can be a scary term for many people, but not if you have a trustworthy broker to turn to. 

In this episode of izba’s podcast, Danielle Holyoake joins Aaron and shares her story, expertise and insights about insurance as the Co-Founder and CRO of Amelia Risk.

Amelia Risk

Amelia Risk, a women-owned and operated insurance brokerage with expertise and focus in CPG, consumer products, and startups, traces its roots to when Danielle and her co-founder, Liz, saw there was a need for a technologically progressive broker who can focus on providing big shop expertise to smaller companies, without sacrificing the hands-on consultation and service.

Using the best software available and streamlining processes without degrading the integrity of the insurance program, Amelia Risk became a go-to for CPG, tech and other types of startups that are looking for a true risk management partner, not a one-size-fits-all product.

The Better-For-You Insurance Broker

While many solutions tout easy and accessible insurance policies, these options are often providing an off-the-shelf product that isn’t customized at all to the client’s unique risks. This leaves clients exposed when they need insurance most. It may be seamless to obtain, but that should not come at the cost of the right coverage.

Their straight-forward approach of educating their clients about the insurance policies they buy, and identifying risks together is what helps their clients feel like they are empowered to make good risk management decisions and buy coverage tailored to their specific needs.

Industries Covered by Amelia Risk

Amelia Risk has expertise in and works with clients in the following niches:

  • CPG Companies
  • Technology Companies
  • Consumer Products
  • Startups

Identifying the unique risk particular to a business is the specialty that brokers at Amelia Risk are proud of, and clients shouldn’t settle for anything less. 

Whether you’re experienced in buying insurance or a first-timer looking to buy the right policies, you need a trustworthy partner like Amelia Risk.

About Danielle Holyoake

Danielle Holyoake, CRO and Co-Founder of Amelia Risk, has been a broker for more than a decade. While she’s not negotiating with insurance companies for her clients, she spends her time with her family and young son in the Bay Area. She’s an advocate for the enrichment of women and mothers in the workplace.

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